Neale James and me (the handsome one) warming up the crowd!
I made a bit of a wise crack on the phone to Neale James of Reading 107fm when I called into the show last week about taking him to open a gig at Wellington Country Park on Sunday as he would probably be too drunk to drive....as it turned out, it was the other way round!
Usually on a Friday night, several of us have a few beers just to end the week off - this week being no exception. Neale and Sam, Adam and Emma and Me and Karen all had a few when Neale suggested that it would be a good idea to introduce a few of the Breakfast show characters over the coming months and it would be a good idea for me to come to the gig and get a feel for it - obviously I said yes (as you do after a few!).
It only really dawned on me on Saturday what I had actually let myself in for - the warm up act for Marvellous 07 in front of a possible 3000 people!
Now I am game for a laugh, but have never been in such an environment before - my role was to be introduced as "Gardener Graham" off the Radio show and help Neale to whip the crowd into a frenzy - me carrying the prize bag whilst Neale did his stuff and got the crowds going.
On the way there, Adam and I had a couple of Ciders just to calm the nerves - Adam was taking the photos for the event for Neale's Blog at 107fm.
When we arrived, the guy in charge, Pete, and Phil the stage manager ushered us into the back to run through what was going to happen and the bands who were to perform - then Phil tried to get me hooked up with a microphone etc - I politely refused his kind offer as you can expect!
Our time arrived and Neale launched into his much practiced and polished warm up routine which drew the crowds to come to the front of the stage - we then went down to the front to ask a few quiz questions so the crowd could dip into the "Prize Bag". The prizes consisted of a swede, leek, carrot, cauliflower and a spud of course!
Unfortunately, our time was cut short as the act Voulez Vous, an ABBA tribute band was ready to go on and we only had chance to get one winner - but never the less it was a brilliant experience, even if it was totally scary.
Big thanks to Neale - you really got me this time!
The expectant crowd
Pictures by Adam from Breathe Pictures
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