Thursday, November 29, 2007

Neale James's 40th

Another event not blogged was Neale James's 40th birthday. Neale James is a great mate of ours and runs Breathe Pictures - the awesome photography company as well as being a broadcaster on Reading 107 breakfast show.

As we were away in Las Vegas during Neale's birthday, it was decided that the party should happen before we go so we didn't miss it. The usual suspects were there of course looking to get Neale truly slaughtered.

The venue was the Madagascan Gin Palace - always a great night out and so the scene was set.

During the afternoon, Adam, Karen and I popped round to Neale & Sam's house to watch football and so we managed to get a bit of a head start - so before we got to the restaurant we were very merry to say the least!

As the evening progressed, things got pretty lively and we managed to get Neale in "The dentist chair" a really horrible form of torture where you get tipped back and alcohol is administered directly - Neale's eyes did go in different directions after this!

Things get a little blurred after this - there was a disco laid on and so dancing etc broke out before we finally ended up back a Neale's....after this I'm not to sure!

A really great night had by all - many thanks to Sam and the girls for arranging etc.

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